School fundraising

Bag2School - A fun, free and easy way to raise funds.

Bag2School is a free eco-friendly fundraising scheme that helps schools, businesses, community groups, local councils, and charities raise funds through textile recycling as well as spreading textile recycling awareness.

We always pay the best market prices! Although prices can fluctuate depending on trading conditions.

Bag2School class fundraiser

Choose us for your next fundraiser!

How does it work?

We all have clothing in our wardrobes that we haven’t worn in ages! In a world of fast fashion, we now have a lot of stuff – but when it comes to a clear out what do you do to make sure the environment comes off best?

Bag2School has the answer – we’ve been helping schools for over 20 years and in the process paid out over £48 million to PTAs and Friends of School Groups and many other organisations.

Visit our how it works page to find out what happens to your clothes.

Register with Bag2School UK

1. Register through the website or call us to arrange the fundraising event.

Promote your fundraiser

2. Promote your collection day and collect as much clothing as possible.

Make money for your school with our fundraiser

3. Our driver will collect the bags and you will receive a payment.

4. Your clothes are exported to countries around the world creating more jobs.


Collections in the UK.

£48 Million

Paid out since 1999.


Use our fundraiser.

Find out more about our fundraising scheme

We are a free fundraising scheme, established in 1999, for anyone wanting to raise funds using a resource EVERYONE has got in their wardrobe – unwanted clothes. We work in partnership with Schools, Businesses, Community Groups, Local Councils and Charities to help them raise funds from your donations. We operate throughout the UK; collecting and selling your unwanted textiles to importers and wholesalers in many countries of Eastern and Western Europe, Africa and Asia. All to benefit the Circular Economy.

How does it work? We will arrange a mutually agreed date for our van to arrive at your school or organisation to collect the bags. Our driver will load the bags directly onto the van. The collection is then weighed and we send you a cheque. In some areas you will receive the cheque on the collection day. Simple!

Bag2School has paid over £48,000,000 to schools and other organisations so far!

B2S is working with a Ukrainian charity, assisted by people in Poland. If you would like to donate the funds you raise from your collection, the money will be used in Poland to procure and deliver the things that are so desperately needed. Your donations will also be used to arrange accommodation for people arriving in Poland from Ukraine.

Why Choose Bag2School?

Boost the economy with our Bag2School free fundraiser

You're boosting the economy!

Most of your clothes will be shipped to Eastern Europe, where a wholesaler sorts and sells them to market traders at affordable prices. This process contributes to the circular economy by extending the life of clothing and reducing waste.

Create more jobs with our free fundraiser available for schools and organizations

You're creating new jobs!

The sorted goods are sent to countries all over the world, including in Africa, Southeast Asia, Europe, and even here in the UK, where they can be found in vintage shops. Second-hand clothing industry provides jobs for thousands of people in these markets.

Eco-friendly fundraiser for schools and organizations

You're being eco-friendly!

By using our fundraiser, not only are you raising money for our organization, but you're also helping to reduce waste in landfills. All clothing is reused, so you're making a positive impact on the environment while supporting our cause.

Raise funds for your school or organization with Bag2School

You're raising money for your school/organization!

With the money raised through Bag2School, you can fund exciting school trips, engaging activities, or purchase new resources for the school. Our fundraising scheme is incredibly convenient, allowing schools to effortlessly raise funds without requiring extensive effort.

From clients

"Bag2school, thanks for collecting once again. Your lovely van driver was so full he had to comeback and collect the rest later that day! Received a cheque today for £880.00 = 2.2 Tonnes, our biggest collection ever! We can't wait for the next one."

Ottershaw Christ Church C of E Infant and Junior Schools

"Last week we had our first collection uplift with B2S and it was fantastic. The parents and children dropped off 226kg which helped raise £113 and we received your cheque on the same day! We have already booked in two more collections for 2017 and cannot wait.

Sarah Cowie-Woods, Fa-Ke School of Dance and Aikido, SP52 1AW

"The money shall be used to help fund a new computer suite in school. We shall definitely be interested in carrying out this event again next year."

Rosie Whiteley, Chair, The Friends of Corbridge First School

"Once again, our Bag2School collection has been a great success, enabling us to take almost 60 children and 10 adults on a day trip to York and the Jorvik Museum."

Jackie Pierre, St Alphonsus Primary School, Middlesbrough

"Just to say what a roaring success the recent Bag2School collection at our school was. Overall we are incredibly impressed by the ease of arranging Bag2School."

Michael Langford, Chair, Wedderburn PTFA, Harrogate

"Just wanted to say a massive thank you for the Bag2Schools collection we had yesterday. It's my first fundraising attempt since taking over the PTA at school and it couldn't have been easier!"

Kirsty Theobald, Chair of PTA at Rendlesham Primary School

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve compiled a series of frequently asked questions, if you still have further questions please feel free to get in touch.

What is Bag2School?

Bag2School is not a charity organisation. It is a business, which specialises in collecting and buying quality second-hand clothes in their original condition, which are then sold to wholesalers in emerging nations. Read more about who we are.

Which areas do you cover?

We operate in England, Scotland and Wales. If you are not sure please contact one of our Bag2School co-ordinators on 01609 780 222. Collections in Northern Ireland are possible, please contact our sister company on tel. 074 9373330 or email address

Where do the clothes go?

Mostly they are shipped to Eastern Europe where a wholesaler then sorts them and sells them to market traders and boutiques at affordable prices. Read more about what happens to your clothing.

How much does it cost to set up a collection?

All collections and associated administration is FREE. Bag2School will provide you with clear bags and marketing material to promote your fundraiser.

What are we able to collect?

Please check out our items we accept page for a full list of items that we can and can’t accept for recycling.

How much do you pay per kilo or tonne of clothing?

We offer the best market price 40p per kilo which is £400 per tonne of clothing. Although prices can fluctuate depending on trading conditions.

What is the difference between Reuse, Recycle and Reduce?

Bag2School's clothing is for reuse, i.e. someone will buy the clothing to wear. Recycle is where clothing will be shredded into raw material, that will then be used to make new products, like mattress fillings. Reduce is applicable when less material and energy is used to make the product.

Why should we give each pupil a bag rather than one per family?

The success of the collection depends on how motivated the pupils turn out to be. Therefore each child is given the responsibility by Bag2School to fill up their own bag and take it back to school.

There is no storage at school, so how will it work for us?

Many schools do not have storage space to store bags of clothing for an extended period. All clothing can be brought to the school before 9am on the collection date. The collection will take place between 9am - 1pm circumventing any storage problems - the bags can be held outside, but the bags must be kept dry.

What if it rains?

In the event of inclement weather please protect your B2S investment by covering with a plastic sheet or storing the bags undercover. Wet clothes cannot be re-used.

How often may we organise a collection with Bag2School?

As far as Bag2School is concerned, as many times as this is opportune and feasible. Most schools benefit from a summer and winter collection. However, in larger schools we find once a term produces the best results. We find that the pupils and their parents anticipate by saving up for the following collections.

Do you have any tips or resources for promoting my collection?

We do indeed – head over our promotion tips page for ideas on how to make the most from your collection, banners and flyers that you can print out.

So what are you waiting for? Register now!

Raise funds for your school with Bag2School fundraiser